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Holly Gustlin
Mar 12, 20193 min read
Is it true that I need 20% down to buy a home?
Absolutely false! There are many programs that will help you buy a home with less than 20% down. There are two ways to buy a home with...
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Holly Gustlin
Mar 5, 20192 min read
If the bank declines your loan, here are some options that may help you
If the bank declined your loan for one of these reasons, there is hope! A 2-year average of the income reported on your tax returns does...
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Holly Gustlin
Feb 10, 20192 min read
How Points Work – to pay or not to pay, that is the question
What is a “Point” in lending? What does it mean when the bank suggests you “buy down the rate”, and does it make sense to do that? If you...
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Holly Gustlin
Feb 8, 20192 min read
How investment property deductions can kill your loan approval, and what to do about it
Before the liquidity crisis that began in 2007, if investment properties showed a loss on your taxes, lenders deducted that amount from...
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Holly Gustlin
Feb 3, 20193 min read
Am I getting in too deep by buying my first home?
When you are deciding whether you can afford to buy a home rather than remaining a renter, there are more factors to consider than the...
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Holly Gustlin
Jan 30, 20193 min read
My loan docs are over 100 pages – What is important and what is boiler plate?
When you receive the final loan documents, it can be overwhelming. They are usually over 100 pages. It is tempting to skim over them all...
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Holly Gustlin
Jan 29, 20193 min read
What Are My Risks if I Choose an Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
The liquidity crisis that began in 2007 seriously scarred most of us. Very few people want to consider an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM),...
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Holly Gustlin
Jan 21, 20192 min read
Bait and switch and how to avoid being a victim
Some people think they can trust a quote simply because it came from a major bank. There is one major nationwide bank who is well-known...
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Holly Gustlin
Jan 2, 20194 min read
Credit Score Tips for Success
Credit Card Tips Amount Owed The amount owed divided by your limit equals the percent credit usage. They care about individual credit...
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Holly Gustlin
Dec 31, 20183 min read
How to Avoid Paying Junk Fees
When I began writing my consumer protection book before the 2007 liquidity crisis, the mortgage industry was like the wild west. There...
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Holly Gustlin
Dec 28, 20182 min read
APR Explained – Does it help you shop rates?”
Does the APR quoted in an advertisement matter? Is it hiding something? The simple answer is “Yes, it matters; but can be deceiving”. APR...
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